One Last Day!
Tomorrow all but 2 of our pups will head to their forever homes. Adira seems extra playful today. I think she knows she has one last day...

Papa Modrey is back!
That's right Papa Modrey is back for another turn at puppy sitting. He started out with just Mr. Red, then Ms. Black decided it looked...

A Teachable Moment!
It is so endearing to me how Luna allows Adira to be a part of her mothering process. She allows her to play with the pups, watch as she...

Where's the Water!
Ms.Yellow is a smart little cookie. When she wants to play in the water she goes under the hose. When I turn it on she comes out to play...

Water Time!
Hmm, I wonder if this years litter is going to like water? We started out by turning the hose on ever so slightly; by the time I had...

It's Double Pink Trouble!
We've begun to play outdoors on a regular basis now and started introducing the big dogs to the litter one dog at a time. In this shot...